Dec 26, 2012

2012 is coming to an end

A very good ending for this year i guess :)
The result just came out and Alhamdulillah.

From 2.86 to 3.68

Told ya, - "Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time, more intelligently."

Well maybe not as intelligent as those who got 4.0, but hey at least I passed :)

Today I can put my feet up and breathe a sign of relief,
because I am officially halfway finished my foundation programme 

....but I have to get better and better each day to get that 4.0 in second semester 
so that I can finally set my feet at a medical school.

It's going to be pretty tough, i know.

Anyhoots, December has been a great month.

Except for the part that I have to spend 4 out of 5 weeks of my semester break at pharmacogenic lab for a research. Damn, no fun at all.

On the bright side, I've learnt new things, I got to see my friends and met new people.



Yusuf Naim

People who made my 2012 :)

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