Apr 1, 2012

We can't be good in everything,

admit our weaknesses, but show our strengths.

March 29th
Hi ._. pagi tadi encik posmen ada hantar satu envelope dekat rumah saya. Dalam envelope tu ada invitation card untuk wedding anak encik Sarif, NorSahana. Lepastu ada pendrive warna kuning Kingston 2GB. 

Mula mula ingatkan tu pendrive yang tertinggal dekat dorm Mien masa form 4. Ke memang betul tu pendrive aku mien? Kay tak kisah lah. Dalam pendrive tu ada gambar Ainal dengan Apip punya mp3, berbaju hijau baby milo atas katil Ily Ariena dalam dorm A4.
Okay persoalan : Sejak bila pulak aku snap gambar tu mien?

lepastu ada notepad - DEARAINAL :')

"......knowing you is one of the best part in my journey" 

Ada 11 lagu dalam pendrive ni.

1. Ryan Huston - When You Think Of Me

when you think of me, think the best of me. 
that's all i would want to know. that i will be with you, that's a promise too.

2. The Proclaimers - I'm On My Way

I'll do my best. I'll do my best to do the best I can to keep my feet from jumping from the ground dear.
To keep my heart from jumping through my mouth dear.

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