Jun 10, 2018

Life As A Medical Student - THE END

[May 9, 2018]

Final Year Professional Exam 2:
12/4/18 - 18/4/18

Results announced:

Oath Taking Ceremony / Mini Convocation:

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah,
I have officially graduated from medschool on May 4th 2018.
After five looooong years, the journey has come to an end.
Indeed, it feels so surreal.

  • How do I feel now?

I have mixed feelings.
Grateful, because I passed the exam.
Happy, because I've graduated.
Sad, because this means goodbye between me and my friends.
Scared, because I'm not sure if I can handle the stress and responsibilities once I've started working.

  • What's my current plan?

I will start my two weeks-prehouseman/houseman shadowing program on May 14th in Surgical department- which is also going to be in Ramadhan. Let's pray together so that I wouldn't go into hypoglycaemic state every single day. I will try my very best to learn and grab all the opportunities that I can which may become handy for my real housemanship life later.

After raya, I'm planning to take Mandarin class so that I can converse better with my patients especially the elderlies but you know what, I had also planned to read my surgical textbook before starting my pre-HO rotation but that didn't happen so we will see about that hahaha.


  • Find the best photographer available for our official UniKL convocation in October.
  • Plan a vacation with my girl gang before we all went separate ways for real.
  • Gain weight and actually learn how to cook proper meal.

I actually have a lot of things in mind for me to do during the waiting time, but I'm gonna need to sit down, make a list and plan properly first.

[June 10, 2018]

Done with my pre-HO and it wasn't that bad at all.

Current life situation is getting everything sorted out: filling forms for job application and stuffs and also taking care of my cats, especially Biyu whom just got diagnosed with urinary stones.

It's the last five days of Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah for another year. How is my raya preparation? Well, weirdly enough, this year's raya is the one that I felt least excited for I'm not sure why. Probably because I've been home for a few weeks now. I mean, there's no 'balik kampung' excitement. Baju raya? Well, we had Along's wedding celebration last three months so we had a few pairs of new bajus already (color-coordinated some more) so yea, just gonna recycle em for raya because why not. Oh and yay, to the new addition in the family- Kak Linda. Hopefully raya will be a lot merrier.

That is all for now. Have a happy and blissful Ramadhan everyone.
Gros bisous.

1 comment:

Safuan Hakim said...

Congrats for passing your medic school!!